Saturday, 29 June 2013

Introduction to Control Systems

Electrical: Electrical Control Systems specializes in the design and manufacture of high quality industrial control systems and offer innovative and practical solutions to all your automation requirements ranging from simple MCC and dedicated controller applications, to networked PLC and SCADA systems.

Pneumatic: A system in which gas pressure differences and their rates of change are related to gas flows, their integrals and their rates of change.

Hydraulic: A mechanism operated by the resistance offered or the pressure transmitted when a liquid is forced through a small opening or tube

System – An interconnection of elements and devices for a desired purpose.
Control System – An interconnection of components forming a system configuration that will provide a desired response.
Process – The device, plant, or system under control.  The input and output relationship represents the cause-and-effect relationship of the process.

Open-Loop Control Systems utilize a controller or control actuator to obtain the desired response.

Closed-Loop Control Systems utilizes feedback to compare the actual output to the desired output response.

Multivariable Control System

Term Used In Control System

Acceleration Error
The amount of steady state error of the system when stimulated by a unit parabolic input.
Acceleration Error Constant
A system metric that determines that amount of acceleration error in the system.
Adaptive Control
A branch of control theory where controller systems are able to change their response characteristics over time, as the input characteristics to the system change.
Adaptive Gain
when control gain is varied depending on system state or condition, such as a disturbance
A system is additive if a sum of inputs results in a sum of outputs.
Analog System
A system that is continuous in time and magnitude.
Autoregressive Moving Average
Analog Timed Output. Control loop output is correlated to a timed contact closure.
Auto-Manual. Control modes, where auto typically means output is computer-driven, calculated while manual can be field-driven or merely using a static setpoint.
Bilinear Transform
a variant of the Z-transform,
Block Diagram
A visual way to represent a system that displays individual system components as boxes, and connections between systems as arrows.
Bode Plots
A set of two graphs, a "magnitude" and a "phase" graph, that are both plotted on log scale paper. The magnitude graph is plotted in decibels versus frequency, and the phase graph is plotted in degrees versus frequency. Used to analyze the frequency characteristics of the system.
Bounded Input, Bounded Output
BIBO. If the input to the system is finite, then the output must also be finite. A condition for stability.
When the output of a control loop is fed to/from another loop.
A system whose output does not depend on future inputs. All physical systems must be causal.
Classical Approach
See Classical Controls.
Classical Controls
A control methodology that uses the transform domain to analyze and manipulate the Input-Output characteristics of a system.
Closed Loop
a controlled system using feedback or feedforward
A Control System that augments the shortcomings of another system.
Condition Number
Conditional Stability
A system with variable gain is conditionally stable if it is BIBO stable for certain values of gain, but not BIBO stable for other values of gain.
A system or signal that is defined at all points t.
Control Rate
the rate at which control is computed and any appropriate output sent. Lower bound is sample rate.
Control System
A system or device that manages the behavior of another system or device.
See Control System.
A complex operation on functions defined by the integral of the two functions multiplied together, and time-shifted.
Convolution Integral
The integral form of the convolution operation.
Control Quality Index,
Controlled variable
Damping Ratio
A constant that determines the damping properties of a system.
time shift between the output change and the related effect (typ. at least one control sample). One sees "Lag" used for this action sometimes.
A system that is both discrete-time, and quantized.
Direct action
target output increase is required to bring the process variable (PV) to setpoint (SP) when PV is below SP. Thus, PV increases with output increase directly.
Discrete magnitude
See quantized.
Discrete time
A system or signal that is only defined at specific points in time.
A system is distributed if it has both an infinite number of states, and an infinite number of state variables. See Lumped.
A system is called dynamic if it doesn't have memory. See Instantaneous, Memory.
Solutions to the characteristic equation of a matrix. If the matrix is itself a function of time, the eigenvalues might be functions of time. In this case, they are frequently called eigenfunctions.
The nullspace vectors of the characteristic equation for particular eigenvalues. Used to determine state-transitions, among other things.
Euler's Formula
An equation that relates complex exponentials to complex sinusoids.
Exponential Weighted Average (EWA)
Apportions fractional weight to new and existing data to form a working average. Example EWA=0.70*EWA+0.30*latest, see Filtering.
External Description
A description of a system that relates the input of the system to the output, without explicitly accounting for the internal states of the system.
The output of the system is passed through some sort of processing unit H, and that result is fed into the plant as an input.
whwn apriori knowledge is used to forecast at least part of the control response.
Filtering (noise)
Use of signal smoothing techniques to reject undesirable components like noise. Can be as simple as using exponential weighted averaging on the input.
Final Value Theorem
A theorem that allows the steady-state value of a system to be determined from the transfer function.
First order hold
Frequency Response
The response of a system to sinusoids of different frequencies. The Fourier Transform of the impulse response.
Fourier Transform

An integral transform, similar to the Laplace Transform, that analyzes the frequency characteristics of a system.

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